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Frequently asked questions

  • General FAQ
What is this case about?
This is a case about data privacy. We allege that ecoATM is violating the privacy of its users by collecting data (i.e. biometric data) that it should not be collecting without first notifying its users and obtaining written consent. The biometric data ecoATM is collecting is in the form of face and fingerprint scans, which are unique to individuals – no two individuals have the same one. Because this data is so unique, there are heightened protections around it. We believe that ecoATM has ignored the protections implemented by Illinois lawmakers through its collection of users’ biometric data without first notifying its users and obtaining written consent, which we intend to prove in arbitration.
Sign up today to protect your privacy and to help us protect the privacy rights of other ecoATM users.
Am I signing up for a class action?
No, this is not a class action lawsuit. Your individual arbitration claim will be decided on its own facts, which is why we ask for more information than is normally required when signing up for a class action settlement.
Is there a class action pending against ecoATM?
Yes, there is a class action lawsuit pending against ecoATM in federal court in the Northern District of Illinois. However, on April 21, 2021, ecoATM filed a motion to compel arbitration in which ecoATM asked the court send all individual claims to arbitration and dismiss the class action. It is our belief that the court will grant ecoATM's request and all claims will be resolved through individual arbitration. Therefore, we believe arbitration is the best course of action for you to pursue your claims. You can sign up to see if you have a claim by filing out the questions listed above.
What is arbitration?
Arbitration is a private dispute resolution process. Your claim will not be filed in court. Your claim will be decided by an arbitrator, who is a neutral person chosen by you and the company. We can select an arbitrator for you who is fair and neutral.
Why arbitration?
Many consumer agreements or services have mandatory arbitration provisions in their agreements and/or terms of use, along with class action waivers. You probably signed these agreements, such as with banks and credit card companies, even if you’ve never seen them or do not remember. They are also found in many online click-through agreements, such as travel, shopping, gaming, or entertainment sites. These clauses not only require you to arbitrate your claim, but to do so individually.
How do your fees work?
Our fees will be a percentage of the settlement or recovery we obtain for you. That amount will depend on the rules in the state you live in. We only receive a fee if you win, and you will never owe us any money.
Do I have to appear in person for arbitration?
Most of the time, arbitration can be conducted either by telephone or through documents provided by you and the company.